Saturday, 10 April 2010


It has been a long time since an update. My Life has been so busy with so many things. It's either with work or doing my wedding preparation. I want to share my good news that syukur alhamdullilah I just got upgraded to a Manager. Now, doing something new and more complicated was very tough and challenging. Insyallah, I believe I will be really good at this position and it will be a good experience for me. :)

Getting married is really about breaking alot of $$$$$$. My bedroom renovation has started. I was so happy that me & fiance managed to buy our bedroom furnitures. Luckily, there were SALES going on! Fiance bought his a month in advance and just got the furniture set at his place today. I'll get mine when the painting part has completed. On a better note, the shop can let us hold the delivery for a month.

Painting in process.....

I was so happy that fiance is good in painting. And i don't need to waste $$$ on hiring someone to paint my room. I love him so much. <3

Bedroom checklist:
1) Bed
2) Wardrobe
3) Dressing table
4) Side tables
5) Lamps for side table
6) Wall paint
6) Bed set
7) Curtain
8) Carpet

Friday, 19 February 2010

Engagement Day

Alhamdulillah, my engagement day went well just like i wanted it to be..i would like thank you to all that have helped me in many ways.. gubahan hantaran, room deco, spring cleaning, rental of things..especially to my mom and my family..

My theme for that day was purple..the decoration for my hantaran was also same colour..Talking about hantaran, decoration were done by Auntie Gijah..Balasan hantaran was 3 gangsa..Our catering was from CindaiBiru and the food was great.. My makeup & hairdo?? Both were done by uncle zul..i didn't turn to strangers since we already have a talented hands in my family.. =)

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

5 Days Engagement Checklist

1) Date - confirmed
2) Catering - Cindai Biru *confirmed*
3) Attire - Done
4) Invitation card - Done
6) Makeup - I do my own
5) Hairdo - Uncle Zul
8) Doorgift - Done
9) Gubahan Hantaran - Auntie Gigie

Monday, 11 January 2010

Engagement Checklist

A Month Checklist:-

1) Date - confirmed
2) Catering - Cindai Biru *booked*
3) Attire - Sent for tailoring
4) Invitation card - in process
5) Guests - my close family members only
6) Makeup - i'll do my own makeup
7) Hairdo - uncle zul
8) Doorgift - in process
9) Gubahan Hantaran - Emai
10)Photographer - not sure yet

Engagement Ring & Attire

Yesterday, i finally bought kain for my engagement attire at Nazmi with my mom. It's purple lace with flowery designed beaded in shining pink. On the same day, I sent the kain to tailor that i normally make my baju raya.

Last Sunday, me & my bf's mother went for ring-hunting. During the engagement event, the bf side will send two rings. One is" Cincin pembuka mulut" and the other is the official engagement ring. First we headed to Sri-Qlap Mall and bought "Cincin Pembuka Mulut" at OKKY. For "Cincin Pembuka Mulut" is just a simple gold ring. We went to few places to find the engagement ring. Finally, we found the engagement ring at Astana Jewellery. It is so beautiful and on special discounts again. I was so happy my bf mum's loves the ring too. =D

Monday, 28 December 2009

Berjarum jarum & Merisik 261209

Alhamdulillah the Berjarum jarum & Merisik is over..I'm so glad..I was so worried & nervous..Apa nya urg nda tantu rasa.. :P

So much to do in planning a wedding event..We have several months to plan, research & decide on what kind of wedding we wanted. My boyfriend & I are the eldest son and daughter..It will be the 1st wedding in both families..

Now, counting days till the Engagement Day...

Saturday, 19 December 2009

Adat Perkahwinan Org Brunei

These are all the events that i will be going through..

1) Berjarum-jarum
2) Bersuruh or Bertunang
3) Badak-Badak mandi
4) Malam Babadak
5) Berpacar
6) Hantar Berian
7) Akad Nikah
8) Sanding
9) Ambil-Ambilan or Reception Night
10) Muleh 3/7 Hari *not sure yet whether this event will be included*